Battle For Dream Island S 2 E 14 Pointy Pointy Pointy - TV Tropes (2024)

Battle For Dream Island S 2 E 14 Pointy Pointy Pointy »


Pointy pointy pointy, my point is sharp and pointy! Pointy pointy pointy, my point is sharp and pointy!...

Originally known as "You're a Filthy Friend".

The 14th episode of Battle for Dream Island Again, and the 78th episode of the overall series. Golf Ball is eliminated, the eliminated contestants in the TLC take over as the hosts, the remaining 10 contestants are split into five teams of two, and the featured challenge is to climb Donut, Dora, Teardrop, Match, and Puffball's five islands and reach the bunk bed at the top.

"PointyPointyPointy ♫" contains examples of:

  • Accidental Murder: Pin accidentally runs over Popcorn while backing up to take a photo of Coiny and the shipwreck, which incidentally appeases Milkdrop's desire for quiet.
  • Accidental Suicide: Proceeding to the water stream beyond Dora's gate after eating an island, Bomby—under the influence of Fries' sugary incentives—accidentally runs off the edge of the island entirely, falling hundreds of feet to an explosive demise.
  • Affably Evil: When Golf Ball uses her Yoyle Straw to translate their language to English, the bugs prove to be rather chipper despite them still poisoning people.
  • Ambiguous Syntax: When Donut had ordered his island with lots of blood last episode, he actually meant a donut island with cherry filling, calling back to the Cake at Stake from BFDIA 5a.
  • Animation Bump: When Pin starts shocking her cables, the animation goes to 3D.
  • Asshole Victim: After Book and Ruby steal Pin's song to win the challenge, Pin stops them by electrocuting them and giving them a "The Reason You Suck" Speech. They ultimately lose.
  • Back from the Dead: After being popped in "Catch These Hands", Bubble is brought back to life once again... only to die again.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Pencil, Needle and Book all say Bubble's catchphrase, "Yoylecake!", when Peridot holds up the raft that was hidden under Teardrop's pirate ship.
  • Broken Record/Looped Lyrics: "Pointy pointy pointy, my point is sharp and pointy! Pointy pointy pointy, my point is sharp and pointy!..."
  • Call-Back:
    • As a reference to "Lofty", Golf Ball and Tennis Ball once again question each other about what a spherical cloud looks like, though this time Tennis Ball says it looks like Snowball since it uses his body, while Golf Ball thinks it looks like her intelligence.
    • Tennis Ball claiming to being the only ball with lines and Basketball getting angry at said claim is a reference to Basketball's audition in BFDI, where she claimed that, "Tennis Balls aren't the only ones with lines."
    • Teardrop's island is a literal Teardrop family reunion.
    • When Needle heals Pencil of her poisoning, she immediately rushes over to a sentient Floating Island and eats them, which Nickel notes is a side effect of anti-poison.
  • Call-Forward:
    • Pillow gets upset at the killing, saying that she would never advocate for something like that.
    • Tennis Ball compliments Donut on his ability to host.
    • Match needily tries to start conversation back up with Pencil, only for Pencil to awkwardly back out of it.
  • The Centerpiece Spectacular: The episode serves as one for the entire season, being at the halfway point of the contest, the longest episode to date, and a climax of multiple character arcs. While its cinematic nature is due to premiering at the meetup, it has quickly proven to be one of the most important episodes yet.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Dora's island is shown to have a vat of anti-poison that doesn't serve an immediate purpose. However, since Pencil was poisoned earlier, Needle injects her with it once they finally get to the island, and the side effects of anti-poison cause Pencil to frantically eat Floating Island, making the two pass the challenge without even realizing it.
  • A Day in the Limelight: As with the last episode, the contestants stuck in the TLC get a decent amount of focus, with Donut, Dora, Teardrop, Match, and Puffball acting as the main hosts for the challenge.
  • The Diss Track: Fries' song, which is about how much he hates Puffball.

    Puffball, you betrayed us
    You're a filthy brat
    You deserve to burn
    I will crush you... flat

  • The Dog Bites Back: After the torment she suffered at their hands, Pin gets revenge on FreeSmart by causing Book and Ruby to be up for elimination.
  • Dreadful Musician: Pin wastes a large part of the singing challenge singing "POINTY POINTY POINTY" because she has nothing else to sing about.
    • Bomby isn't much better, singing a shrill "lullaby" about himself exploding.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: On Dora's island, the contestants must eat clumps of dirt before proceeding to the next island.
  • Exact Words: The challenge of Dora's island is to eat an island, but it doesn't necessarily have to be Dora's island, so Lapis Lazuli eating some of Donut's island works just fine. Then Dora points out that Feldspar didn't eat the island, so she has to switch out with Lapis for Dora to accept it.
  • Expospeak Gag: Nickel tries to sing "Wiegenlied", but Tennis Ball interjects his own scientific interpretation.

    Nickel: Close your eyes... Go to sleep...
    Tennis Ball: Let your prefrontal cortex emit melatonin and lose consciousness...

  • Fluffy Cloud Heaven: Puffball's island is evocative of this trope, being made of pink clouds and having a rainbow gradient.
  • Food as Bribe: Fries gets Bomby to work with him by doing this with sugar coated fries.
  • Foreshadowing: While Coiny is carrying Pin up the waterfall, she sends an electric shock through the water due to her wheels. Guess how she ends up securing her safety?
  • Funny Background Event: When Bomby and Fries argue about eating an island, Nickel vomits pollutants from the oil rig all over Tennis Ball's face. Tennis Ball then turns and walks the other way as Nickel smiles blankly.
  • Fun with Acronyms: A subtle one when FreeSmart determines which parts of the ship they'll check for the extra raft.

    Book: I'll check the Bow!
    Ruby: I'll check the Foremast!
    Needle: I'll check the Deck!
    Bubble: I'll check the Inside!
    Pencil: I'll check the Afterpeak!

  • Gale-Force Sound: Yellow Face (or a pre-recording of him) does his "wonderful noise" after thanking Coiny for his order and it is powerful enough to cause shaking that causes Coiny to fall off of the vines he was climbing.
  • Hand Signals: Teardrop's way of explaining what her island's challenge consists of. Bomby understands immediately and offers a spoken translation for the viewers and Fries, who finds himself audibly confused.

    Fries: Hey, Teardrop! What do you want us to do on this island?
    Teardrop: (repeatedly opens and closes her hand in a mouth-flapping motion, alternating with repeatedly pointing behind Fries and Bomby)
    Fries: (Beat) ...Eugh... W-What...?

  • Helium Speech: Happens when Pencil inhales from the helium tank Coffee Drop gives her.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Book does it to save her teammates from Evil Leafy.
  • Hidden Depths: Needle is revealed to be a talented singer in this episode, being the only one to not resort to trickery, flattery, or quoting an existing melody to win Puffball over and get to sleep.
  • Impact Silhouette: Spongy makes one when he crashes through the roof of the concert hall.
  • Inherently Funny Words: "POINTY POINTY POINTY!"
  • Intermission: The only BFDIA episode to have an official intermission — that is, just Yellow Face saying "BREAK!" before it ends.
  • Jerkass: Whistle is one of the many chatterboxes in Teardrop's island, and acts incredibly rude to Fries and Bomby when they try to get them to shut up, to the point of aggressively throwing Fries to a near lake (although to be fair, Fries dropped them first).

    Whistler: Oh yeah, what if I don't want to be quiet? (screams at the top of their lungs)

  • Kick the Dog:
    • Fries nearly makes Pin choose the prize of "Excruciating pain for 2,763 years", but Coiny steps in and spins for her.
    • FreeSmart steals Pin's song at the final leg of the challenge, nearly causing her and Coiny to be up for elimation.
  • Level Ate: Donut's island has a sweets theme, with a cherry filling donut as the base of it.
  • Misplaced Retribution: While Pin has genuine grievances with Ruby and Book for stealing her song, shrinking her body, and refusing to let Ice Cube swing with her, Book was only partially responsible for the latter, as Ice Cube didn't like Pin trying to manipulate her, and Pin losing her face was entirely Ice Cube's fault out of revenge for the previously mentioned manipulation.
  • Mouthscreen:
    • The close-up of Dora's mouth as she says "island".
    • The close-up of Pin's mouth as she says "elimination".
  • Nap-Inducing Speak: Played with. Nickel gets annoyed with Tennis Ball for trying to make what was mentioned in Expospeak Gag above a lullaby, but Puffball accepts it because it did put Bomby, Pin, Coiny, and Fries to sleep under the implications of this trope as opposed to it being a soothing lullaby.
  • Only Sane Woman: Downplayed. Dora — somehow — is the first to notice that a photograph of Ruby sister doesn't match her current appearance. One camera trick later, she looks again and lets them pass.
  • Polluted Wasteland: Match's matchstick factory island is a completely desolate wasteland with dead grass, burnt trees, lava streams, and a hellish red sky.
  • Precision F-Strike: A very mild example, with one of the possible challenges on the contest wheel being to jump off the Crappy Cliff from Inanimate Insanity.
  • Rain of Something Unusual: Like in "No More Snow!", the episode starts with basketballs falling from the sky.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Pin gives a scathing one to Ruby and Book after electrocuting them.

    Pin: FreeSmart. You fools. You have crossed far too many lines. You ripped off my face, you crushed my body, you didn't let Ice Cube come swing with me, and now you have the gall to steal my song? No wonder your team name abbreviates to Fart. It's time you feel my pain. It's time you feel the gravity of all the atrocities you have inflicted upon me. Ruby and Book, I have no remorse in saying that you. Are. Up. For. ELIMINATION.

  • Rhyming with Itself: Bomby changes the lyrics to Fries' song so that it goes like this:

    Puffball, you restored us
    You're a filthy friend
    You deserve to live
    I will like you... friend

  • Rocky Roll Call: When the contestants first get to Match's matchstick factory island:

    Coiny: Really?
    Match: Yeah!
    Pin: Gross.
    Match: Hey!
    Pin: Yeah!
    Bubble: Really?
    Match: Yeah!
    Pin: Wha?
    Pencil: Yeah!
    Pin: Grr!
    Match: Heeey!
    Book: Match!
    Ruby: Yay!
    Coiny: Stop.
    Book: Why?
    Coiny: 'Cause!
    Ruby: No!
    Pin: Yes.
    Bubble: Hey!
    Ice Cube: Wha?
    Coiny: Weird.
    Match: Jerk!
    Coiny: Hey!
    Pencil: Coiny!
    Pin: Pencil!
    Book: Pin!
    Needle: Book!
    Ruby: Ruby!
    (everybody but Bubble gives Ruby a Death Glare)

  • Rule of Three:
    • After "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4" introduced Ruby's sisters from ABCDEFG, and "Well, Look Who It Is!" had Gelatin mention his brothers from BAGUETTE, this episode introduces Teardrop's cousins, who, while not debuting in one of Cary's side shows, form a Teardrop family reunion.
    • Pin is shown singing "Pointy Pointy Pointy" three times, even interrupting Coiny to start singing it, before Ruby and Book steal it for themselves.
  • Running Gagged: The Running Gag of Spongy crushing the current host comes to an end when he ends up getting crushed himself by the Locker of Losers.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Pin's new wheels are similar to those of WALL•E.
    • One of the possible challenges on the contest wheel is to jump off the Crappy Cliff from Inanimate Insanity.
    • During Bomby's sugar crashes, he has the stock death pose from Family Guy.
    • Coiny's song references the Dr. Seuss book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, while Pin's song is similar to "I Wrote This" (a.k.a. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Patrick Star") from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Sing a Song of Patrick".
    • Another SpongeBob reference is the scene where Nickel and Coiny hesitate to eat an island chunk, similar to the scene in "Just One Bite" where Squidward hesitates to take his first bite of a Krabby Patty.
  • Sugar Causes Hyperactivity: Bomby ends up becoming extremely hyperactive after eating Fries' sugar-coated fries — though the effect quickly wears off. Dora has a similar reaction to trying to eat her island — and even bends the LOL to try and grab a bite.
  • Sweet Tooth: Fries gets Bomby on his side by feeding him sugar coated fries.
  • Talkative Loon: The recommended characters on Teardrop's island are motor mouths who won't stop talking the Teardrop family's ears off.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Pin, after getting shrunk and defaced, finally gets her size and face back — as well as a set of WALL•E wheels.
  • Title Drop: Pin's song. The episode's original title was a lyric from Fries' song, with Bomby replacing the word "brat" with "friend".
  • The Tooth Hurts: Nickel's unable to swallow any islands because he has a bunch of cavities, making them taste awful. It takes Tennis Ball brushing his teeth for him to finally keep it down.
  • Unimpressive Progress Reveal: After a close-up of Pin moving decently fast on her wheels, Coiny notes that they are in dead last — cut to a wide shot of the two far behind all the other teams.
Battle For Dream Island S 2 E 14 Pointy Pointy Pointy - TV Tropes (2024)
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